24 March 2008

John's Views # 2

This arrived before I had time to reply.

Martin This is a difference in values btw us. Protest against governmnet is fine but when the portest causes instability in country, then that kind of protest, in my mind should not be allowed. This is no longer human rights at that stage, is the country stability and invovles the lives of others. Others also have right to enjoy a stablelise envirnoment. Human right- kids...it depends on what angle you look at it. I can equally say kids should have the right to have basic love from mom and dad. Of course if the situation is unfortunate, the government should offer a lot of help. But clearly in many cases, it is the lack of responsibility of parent(s). The essence in governing a large country, 20% of world's population when the majority are poor, is different from a smaller wealthier country. Unity is the highest goal, and it is superior than any rules, laws, and right. Every single chinese who were brought up in the China knew that, and that is what the people want and follows. Anything that causes splitting of the country, individual independence is not allowed and this is superior than any forms of laws, rules, regulations, rights. It is hard for foreigners to understand that. What you may find is those who were educated abroad, or lived aborad for a while may have forgotten the basic mentality of the 20% of the worlds population. Those who criticise human rights issues, maybe you are as well, are using the western concept of human right, even some chinese people who are abroad. That does not represent the meaning of human right of the 20% of the worlds population that lived in the country. Human right is valid, but there is something on top of human right, far more superior, that is unity of the country and activities that may split the country is not allowed. Dala Lama is a bad person in the chinese people mind. He supports activity that is superior than human right. All chinese knew that is not allowed. I also hope you wont get offended. I am speaking with my chinese mind, and it applies to China only. The same policy will not apply to other countries. John

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