24 March 2008

John's Parting Shot at Democracy

Miguel, Martin
Democracy......this is not essential in my mind ( Maybe cultural, i dont believe in it) Take this as an example.12,000,000,000 vote , there are 2 candidates One candidate ( party A) got 6,000,000,900The other candidate ( party B) got 5,900,000,100 votes. 5,900,000,100 are unhappy, near half of the population unhappy.They have to live with the party A that they dont like, is that democracy?Should they have the right not to be ruled by the party A they support? 'I dont like this party governing the country. I prefer party B. Why dont we splt the country and have another country run by party B. The country split into half....and this activity perpetuate.... --------------------------------------------------

Have one semi democratic government where officals are the representatives from each countyNo parties A , B, and C, but a team of representatives from all parts of the country to decide the policy. Then 12,000,000,000 feel this party is a representation of the country, No bad feelings from any people.All representatives fighting for their areas. This is what I will support, and is the system in china. Do I want a government with party A, B, C.....no....And getting 12,000,000,000 to vote is a waste of national resources when some people dont even have enoguh food to eat.Money could be spent somewhere else. And perahps I could asnwer your question China had a huge popluation below WHO poverty standard, but a much smaller proportion now. The people moved from extreme poverty to an accpetable life is huge number. Can India achieve that? If the election money in India could be spent on the poor people and THAT IS REAL HELP to the people. The democratic election doesnt give them more curry and rice. Sorry this is my chinese mentality / my mentality. Maybe hard for you to understand. It is equally hard for me to understand why people vote, so I dont vote, I always put those voting paper to the bin. What is the human right if the chinese people dont want to vote, dont want the western style government, why we have to adopt the western style, just because the western people want us to follow them? Energy conservation..... if you print out 12,000,000,000 ballot paper, 90% put them into the bin, how much paper, trees are wasted? Or if I get a ballot paper, I am forced to vote, I just put a ticket on 'a' person...what does it mean? Should we congratulate china saving paper, going green? ----------------------------

What I am trying to say the mentality is very different in the East or in China. Western ideas will not work. ANd equally chinese ideas on western country will not work. The people decide what is best for them. Unfortunately, in the media, those you see, hear are those exile from the country, who lived abroad. Remember 1% of the people who dont love their mother country will criticise them, 1% who are shamed of being chinese will criticse the government. What is 1%, that is 120,000,000 people already. Is it fair to say 1% of Austrain dont like Austria? 1% of portuguese dont like Portugal. And wht you hear from the news is 120,000,000 chinese people dont like the policy, criticise the policy..... John

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