22 March 2008

Proud Confession

Why is classical music often so scoffed at, even by fairly educated people.
I have loved classical music since I was in my mid-teens. It is now my preferred genre of music, the one I listen about 80% of the time.
I am a bit tired of the amused or blank looks I get when I reveal it is my prefered genre.

Don't get me wrong... in some ways classical music is flourishing, with many top orchestras and musicians, as well as great independent cd labels. But it still does seem to have an image problem.
I am convinced that many people are kept away from it simply by this interdicting prejudice.
The problem is perhaps mainly the perception that it is elitistic. That is in part true -- much of it was created for the upper classes before the mass society of affluence of last century created a really big middle class.
But it is such a huge world, classical music, and it is the heritage of Western music of almost 1000 years. What is regularly played and recorded out of that 1000 year legacy is what has made -- the cream of the cream. So instead of wadding through another crappy fad band, why don't you give a try once in a while to music that has survived centuries, the distilation of excellence.
Since it is such a big world classical music is also very diverse. There is lots of stuff there to appeal to those who like loud sounds, excitement, or a catchy tune. Unlike just songs, the standard fare of modern pop music, you have sonatas, symphonies, concertos, trios, quintets, songs, masses, operas, using dozens of instruments instead of just a couple.
Here are a few samples for the novice to give a try:




People who don't like or think you don't like classical music: I would be interested in knowing what keeps you away from such great music, or what puts you off.
Classical music fans -- wouldn't mind hearing from you either.


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